Ethan & Choco's Book Club

Striving to make access to books and reading a core part of the care that SuperKids receive in the hospital, with the principal premise that literacy support for children fighting cancer and other life-threatening conditions can help promote cognitive development and social connections that are part of thriving through treatment and beyond

Thank you Mrs. Kelly and classmates!

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Thank you to Ethan’s awesome 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Suzanne Tarnay Kelly, and his classmates for all the books you just donated to ECBC! Scholastic book orders are such a great and easy way for schools to get involved and help us build a library and reading program at CHOC Hospital!

To support ECBC through Scholastic, Mrs. Kelly stapled a brief note to the top of the Scholastic order forms asking parents to consider donating a book to ECBC as part of their order for their own kids. Parents ordered as they normally would, and then when the books arrived, kids put the books for ECBC in a box for ECBC. And, because of all the extra books that were purchased for ECBC, Mrs. Kelly earned more points to receive free books (which she chose to donate to ECBC, but teachers’ own libraries could also benefit from the extra points!).

We hope more teachers in Tustin and throughout Orange County will follow Mrs. Kelly’s lead!

Please click here to view Ethan’s thank you video.


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