Ethan & Choco's Book Club

Striving to make access to books and reading a core part of the care that SuperKids receive in the hospital, with the principal premise that literacy support for children fighting cancer and other life-threatening conditions can help promote cognitive development and social connections that are part of thriving through treatment and beyond

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Introducing Ethan’s Digital Read-Alouds for CHOC patients

Hi Ethan & Choco’s Book Club friends and supporters! Just a quick update from ECBC… CHOC halted all of our programs about two weeks ago due to the Coronavirus outbreak, since our programs all depend on our volunteers visiting the hospital. So, Ethan decided to create a read-aloud show (pre-recorded from home) where he shares his favorite children’s literature — to be broadcasted in patient rooms by Seacrest Studios (CHOC’s radio station). This way, ECBC can still bring high-quality read-aloud to hospitalized kids, and kids can still receive regular read-alouds that help them to escape, think, and thrive through treatment! Today, Seacrest Studios aired the first show! ECBC supporters, please share with your own kids if they are interested in listening to a good story! #StorytimeWithEthanandChoco #VisitorForBear #ECBC #ReadThinkThrive #ThriveAgainstCancer #StayStrongAndReadOn