Ethan & Choco's Book Club

Striving to make access to books and reading a core part of the care that SuperKids receive in the hospital, with the principal premise that literacy support for children fighting cancer and other life-threatening conditions can help promote cognitive development and social connections that are part of thriving through treatment and beyond

Ethan’s 2016 Daily Book Looks

Ethan’s very first bookraising for ECBC happened in 2016 with his “Daily Book Looks”. Every day of 2016, Ethan featured a favorite book that he hoped to be donated for patients at CHOC Children’s Hospital. By the end of the year, Ethan posted 366 videos (it was leap year) which yielded 3000+ new books.  Below is the master list of the 366 Book Looks that Ethan featured. If you want to purchase one of these books to donate, you can click here to view ECBC’s 2016 Book Look Wish List on Amazon. All books purchased from the Amazon wish list will be sent directly to ECBC, and a special book plate will go in all books with donor names.  And, if you want to see any of the videos that Ethan made (there is one for each daily Book Look), you can click on the specific book title in the list below.