Ethan & Choco's Book Club

Striving to make access to books and reading a core part of the care that SuperKids receive in the hospital, with the principal premise that literacy support for children fighting cancer and other life-threatening conditions can help promote cognitive development and social connections that are part of thriving through treatment and beyond

Ethan’s December Title Talk (and November Thank-You’s)

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Here’s Ethan’s December 2017 Title Talk (#12), the list of books he hopes will be donated to ECBC in the month of December! This list features Ethan’s favorite holiday books that he wants to make sure are available in our Lending Library.  Books can be purchased easily off our ECBC Wish List on Amazon, and will be sent directly to ECBC. The link to the wish list is:

If you want to donate a holiday-themed book for our December book give-away events, please click on this link to access our extensive wish list of holiday books that honor a variety of backgrounds and traditions: Holiday-themed books are especially important for kids stuck in the hospital during the holiday season, since hospitalized kids often are isolated from school, community and even family celebrations. Good holiday books with rich stories can spark good holiday-themed conversations, help families create  special holiday memories around stories, and help kids travel outside their hospital room to holiday celebrations around the world.

Also in this video, Ethan thanks our amazing donors in the month of November, including the CarterStrong community, Tarbut V’Torah, Danielle Clawson, Bill Bellaty, and Once Upon a Storybook customers. We are so thankful for these generous and significant donations!

Click here for Ethan’s November Title Talk video.
Click here to purchase books to donate off our Amazon Wish List.
Click here to purchase books to donate off our Amazon HOLIDAY Book Wish List.

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